It is weird to leave a place you’ve been studying and working at for some 17 years! But this will be my last day at the University of Twente.

Now that that day has come, lets get on with it! It is not nice to say goodbye to so many people, so I hope to sneak out of the back door somewhere this afternoon. Oh, but maybe I need to pack my stuff in boxes still before that, and oh, maybe it’d be nice when some people can help carry them to the car 😉

The mailbox got empty from 140 to about 20 now, still some goodbye messages to send (and new contact details), and leaving my files in some good places. Then we’re done.

It was very funny to have the UT-nieuws coming over today for an interview about our OnderwijsopdeUT Weblog. More so as last week had an article about my work as well! I made arrangements for a videoconferencing setup, so this student can be at lectures at a distance.

So, where will I work from March? Over here: See the Flickr photostream here:

Next week on tuesdays the plane will leave for Edinburgh, then an hours train to Glasgow, wednesday morning will see the flat handover, then on to the bank to ask them what they need to please let me have a bank account, then National insurance number, unpacking boxes then dinner!
